Become a Cparcel Affiliate Partner

Advertise on your website and earn 10% commission and more per order!

Earning money with your own website: It's that simple!

Whether as a private person or a trader - getting started is very easy: Register for free, add the appropriate affiliate link on your own website / YouTube channel and start earning money right away! For every order you receive 10% commission and more.

Transparency is important to us: You can therefore see in your account at any time in real time how many views have been generated on your website and how much commission you are entitled to.

Free support and individual advice

Do you have any questions about your account or your commission? Do you need help with the integration of Affiliate-Link? Do you have any requests, questions or suggestions? We want you to feel comfortable and look forward to helping you!

Commissions for every sale - this is how you get the most out of your website!

Sit back and let your website do the work for you! You will receive commissions of 10% and more every time you sign up via one of our calculators. With little effort, you can make high profits every month.